Sleepless Nights

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NeutralSleepless Nights
Start Evonice Sootsmoker
End Evonice Sootsmoker
Level 58 (Requires 53)
Type Daily
Category Searing Gorge
Experience 6,200
Rewards  [Firelands Ember]


Evonice Sootsmoker is asking you to drink the Specially Formulated Dreamjuice and slay 5 Flamebringer Stalkers near Thorium Point in the Searing Gorge.


It's not enough that these curs attack us while we are awake, they also have to attack us while we sleep! The new Twilight Lord has a particular affinity for dream shenanigans so he's been sending assassins to attack us in our dreams! I need you to knock back a few mouthfuls of my specially formulated, locally sourced, non-GNO "Dreamjuice". That should allow you to straddle the line between the waking and dreaming world and stop these sneaks in their tracks.


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Did ye give 'em what-for yet?


Well done, <name>. That should make 'em think twice before sneakin' into Thorium Point again!

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