Silkweave Hood Lining

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  • Silkweave Hood Lining
  • Quest Item
  • Unique
  • "Separating the outer layer and the inner layer means less compromising for the wearer's comfort."

Silkweave Hood Lining is crafted by tailors. The recipe is only available during the quest.

Materials required:
Inv tailoring 70 silkweave.png 10x [Shal'dorei Silk] Inv misc thread 01.png 1x [Runic Catgut]
Inv tailoringdye blue.png 1x [Tanithria's Blue Dye] Inv misc nativebeastfur.png 5x [Bear Fur]

As an ingredient


As a quest objective

This item is an objective of N Tailoring [10-45] The Final Lesson?

Patch changes

External links