Shimmer Stout (quest)

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Not to be confused with  [Shimmer Stout].
AllianceShimmer Stout
Start Rejold Barleybrew[30, 45]
End Mountaineer Barleybrew[86, 48]
Level 10 (Requires 8)
Category Dun Morogh
Experience 420 EXP (or 2s 40c at level 70)
Previous A [10] Rejold's New Brew
Next A [10] Stout to Kadrell


Take the Barrel of Shimmer Stout to Mountaineer Barleybrew.


I'd like my brother Wellart to try my new Shimmer Stout. He's a Mountaineer stationed in the southern guard tower, one of two towers on the border to Loch Modan.

He may not be a brewer like the rest of us Barleybrews, but he loves his drinks and I know he'll like this one.

Can you bring him this Barrel of Shimmer Stout for me?


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:


Hello, <class>! And what business takes you all the way out here?

Something exciting, I hope. I haven't been in a good fight in days, and this barrel of ale is almost dry...


<Mountaineer Barleybrew tastes the Shimmer Stout...>

Oh. Whoa! This stuff really puts a shine in your eyes. I feel like I can see in the dark!


  1. A [10] Rejold's New Brew
  2. A [10] Shimmer Stout
  3. A [10] Stout to Kadrell

Patch changes

External links