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Shadowmoon Voidclaw

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MobShadowmoon Voidclaw
Image of Shadowmoon Voidclaw
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level 10-40
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Shadowmoon clan
Location Anguish Fortress, Shadowmoon Valley
Status Killable

Shadowmoon Voidclaws are orcs located in Anguish Fortress in Shadowmoon Valley.


  • Reality Rend - Lobs a projectile of pure Void energy at an enemy inflicting Shadow damage on impact and opens a rift of Void energies inflicting Shadow damage every 2 sec. while in the rift.
  • Void Strikes - Empowers the caster's weapon with the chance to inflict Shadow damage on attack.

Objective of


  • Ner'zhul has given us power over the void!
  • Ner'zhul peered into the void, and it answered...
  • Strength through darkness.

Patch changes

External links