Shadowlands Expansion Features/Covenants

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This is a copy of a set of official articles by Blizzard Entertainment. It overviewed the new Covenants added in Shadowlands.

Kyrian sigil.png Kyrian

  • Zone: Bastion

Steadfast guardians who carry the souls of the dead.

Living beings have wished to become something greater than themselves since time immemorial. Souls deemed noble enough can prove themselves in Bastion, land of pristine spires and crystalline skies, where those who surpass their trials earn the honor of ascension to a higher calling beside the Archon, first among the winged kyrians.

The kyrians are eternal beings who draw only the most accomplished, principled, and pure into their ranks. But, as souls plunge into the Maw and upheaval rocks the Shadowlands, scores of aspiring kyrians find that they are unable to continue their journey to ascension. With the number of kyrians dwindling, their charge to ferry souls to eternity is in jeopardy. Will the Archon’s devoted stand together, or will this test of faith sunder their shining kingdom?[1]

Venthyr sigil.png Venthyr

  • Zone: Revendreth

Eaters of sin who harvest anima from wicked souls.

The venthyr have a good thing going. They lord over Revendreth’s castles and ceaseless twilight while arrogant souls are delivered to their tables. The harvesters’ otherworldly punishments strip the pride from their thralls, sparing them an even worse fate: eternal torment in the Maw.

But souls thus drained can’t just leave Revendreth for a better place. They have years of penance to slog through while they reflect on the precarity of their afterlives. And, after eons of service, the venthyr are increasingly ruled by their decadence and pride. The very purpose of the plane may be flawed… and those who were once accusers have become gluttonous and corrupt.

Revendreth must always have a master, and rumor suggests that Denathrius, foremost among the venthyr, may no longer be fit for the role. Crowning a new Sire could return the plane to its former glory… or leave Revendreth mired in the same decadence and sin it is charged with cleansing.[2]

Night Fae sigil.png Night Fae

  • Zone: Ardenweald

Defenders of nature who uphold the cycle of rebirth.

If the Emerald Dream mirrors the spring and summer of life, then the star-hued plane of Ardenweald reflects life in its twilight.

Those who pass on with a deep connection to nature are tended here by the mystic night fae, who retrieve anima from mortal souls and infuse it into slumbering spirits, rejuvenating their lives with the remnants of the old.

Ardenweald has suffered more keenly from soul-drought than any other realm in the Shadowlands. For the first time in endless ages, the night fae's Winter Queen must choose which of the land’s formerly lush groves—and which souls—will be fed the last precious drops of anima… and which will fade away forever.[3]

Necrolord sigil.png Necrolord

  • Zone: Maldraxxus

Necrotic soldiers who wage war throughout the cosmos.

In the skull-and-bone laboratories of Maldraxxus, strength is rewarded, and weakness cast aside. Necromancers experiment on the souls of the ambitious and contentious, reforming only the greatest into undead soldiers who protect the Shadowlands. Those who are determined rise to positions of power. The less-promising become fuel for Maldraxxus’ malign weapons.

Maldraxxus’ brutal selection process has built a vast and capable militia… but its hierarchy is wobbling. The longtime leader of the realm has vanished. In his absence, five of the most eminent necrolords vie for the position, and the responsibility to advance the cause of death throughout the cosmos. Each bids on newly-arrived souls, filling their personal guard with capable soldiers and building armies larger than any yet known.

When they march, will it be towards one another… or the realms they swore to defend?[4]


  1. ^ Kyrian Covenant Official Link | Archive Link
  2. ^ Venthyr Covenant Official Link | Archive Link
  3. ^ Night Fae Covenant Official Link | Archive Link
  4. ^ Necrolord Covenant Official Link | Archive Link