Server:Silvermoon US/Guild Progression Pre Wrath

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This article is a guild progression information page for the Silvermoon US realm (server).

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. This page includes a list of guilds that have accomplished a particular task (usually by defeating a major boss). The list should not be taken to be 100% accurate, as it only contains data that has been submitted/added by users of the community. Thus, if you have information you can add, and contribute to the list, it will become more complete.

This is a friendly gauge of progression through the game by the major guilds on Silvermoon. It serves two purposes:

  1. Answering questions on progression of guilds on Silvermoon
  2. Encouraging camaraderie by matching up your guild's progression against similar guilds

Note: the only requirement for the list is that your guild has killed at least one boss in any of of the following instances. That's all! If you want to update something but aren't sure how, post in the Discussion page.

Wrath of the Lich King progession can be found here.

25 Man Raid Dungeons

Instance and Boss list

Kiljaeden Sunwell.jpg

Gruul's Lair

Magtheridon's Lair

Serpentshrine Cavern

The Eye

Hyjal Summit

The Black Temple

Sunwell Plateau

Burning Crusade

Alliance Alliance
Guild Gruul's Lair Magtheridon's Lair Serpentshrine Cavern The Eye Hyjal Summit The Black Temple Sunwell Plateau
Alliance Jesters Website Cleared Cleared (Jun 11) Cleared (Aug 22) Cleared (Oct 9) Cleared (Nov 15) Cleared (Dec 23) Cleared (Sep 10)
Alliance Tiras Website Cleared Cleared (May 15) Cleared (Aug 19) Cleared (Oct 11) Cleared (Jan 8) Cleared (Feb 25) Cleared (Oct 20)
Alliance Unrestrained Cleared Cleared (May 26) Cleared (Oct 27) Cleared (Jan 12) Cleared (Apr 12) Cleared (July 19) Felmyst (Oct 18)
Alliance Dark Destiny Cleared Cleared (Jun 8) Cleared (Oct 21) Cleared (Dec 7) Cleared (Feb 29) Cleared (May 17) Brutallus (July 20)
Alliance Endless Cleared Cleared (Dec 1) Cleared (Mar 17) Cleared (Apr 13) Cleared (Oct 20) Cleared Brutallus (Oct 22)
Alliance Made Website Cleared Cleared (Feb 9) Cleared Cleared Cleared (Sep 6) Cleared (Oct 17)
Alliance Hush Cleared Cleared (Apr 6) Cleared (Apr 1) Cleared (Apr 24) Cleared (May 18) Gurtogg (May 18)
Alliance Clouded Minds Cleared Cleared (Dec 3) Cleared (Mar 10) Cleared Azgalor (Apr 28) Gorefiend (June 2)
Alliance Grand Theft Kodo Cleared Cleared (Aug 12) Cleared Cleared Azgalor (Jul 2') Gorefiend (Jul 14)
Alliance Idoneus Cleared Cleared (Sep 1) HU, TLB, MT, FK, LTB, (Jan 18) A, V, S (Jan 4) Azgalor (Apr 5)
Alliance Nerfed Cleared Cleared (Sep 22) HU, TLB, MT, FK, LTB (Feb 27) A, V, S (Jan 14) Anetheron (Apr 16)
Alliance Sanitarium Cleared Cleared (Jun 6) HU, TLB, MT, FK, LTB, (May 30) V, S (May 9) Winterchill (Apr 5)
Alliance Melioris Cleared Cleared (Aug 2) HU, TLB, MT, FK (Oct 6) V (Oct 7)
Alliance Incursion of the Arcane Cleared Cleared (Apr 21) HU, TLB, MT, FK (Apr 6) V, S (Mar 4)
Alliance Ascent Website Cleared Cleared (Jun 28) HU, TLB, MT, FK(Jul 19) S (Jul 25)
Alliance Primal Rage Cleared V (Feb 8)
Alliance The Unspoken Cleared V (Feb 17)

Note: Date cleared for Gruul's Lair was not tracked. Last boss kills in SSC and TK have their name underlined and dated.

Horde Horde
Guild Gruul's Lair Magtheridon's Lair Serpentshrine Cavern The Eye Hyjal Summit The Black Temple Sunwell Plateau
Horde Indecisive Cleared Cleared (May 20) Cleared (Aug 4) Cleared (Oct 13) Cleared (Dec 9) Cleared (Feb 23) Kalecgos (Apr 13)
Horde Manifest Destiny Cleared Cleared (Jul 1) Cleared (Sep 16) Cleared (Nov 10) Cleared (Apr 12) Cleared (Apr 26)
Horde Requiem Cleared Cleared (Sep 7) Cleared (Jan 4) Cleared (Jan 27) Cleared (Apr 19) Council (May 3)
Horde Bloodpact of the Chosen Cleared Cleared (Aug 17) Cleared (Jan 20) Cleared (Mar 2) Cleared (May 12) Illidari Council (Jun 8)
Horde Saga Cleared Cleared (May 14) Cleared (Jun 18) Bloodboil (Jun 20)
Horde Resurgence Cleared Cleared (Apr 5) Cleared (Feb 17) Cleared (Apr 24) Cleared (May 29) Gorefiend (Apr 17)
Horde Bloodfists Co-op Cleared Cleared (Mar) Cleared (Feb 4) Cleared (Mar 16) Azgalor (May 5) Gorefiend (Apr 28)
Horde Serénity Cleared Cleared (Jan 27) Cleared (Feb 23) Cleared(Apr 26) Azgalor (Apr 10) Akama (Apr 19)
Horde No Skill Cleared Cleared (Feb 19) HU, TLB, MT, FK, LTB (Mar 17) A, V, S (Mar 16) Cleared (Apr 16) Gorefiend (Apr 20)
Horde Group 2.0 Cleared Cleared (Dec 1) HU, TLB, MT, FK, LTB (Feb 9) A, V, S (Feb 29) Azgalor (Apr 19) Supremus (May 3)
Horde Chaos and Mayhem Cleared Cleared (Apr 6) HU, TLB, MT, FK, LTB (Feb 28) A, V, S (Mar 1) Anetheron(May 1)
Horde Apocalyptic Cleared Cleared (Aug 6) Cleared (Apr 1) A, V, S (Mar 13)
Horde Bayani Cleared Cleared (Mar 29) HU, TLB, MT, FK (Apr 27) V (Apr 19)
Horde Deathwing Cleared Cleared (Apr 15) HU, TLB, MT (Apr 25) V, S (Apr 18)
Horde the unforgiving darkness Cleared V (Mar 8)
Horde Iunctis Viribus Cleared
Horde Odyssey Website Cleared Cleared (May 10) }

Note: Date cleared for Gruul's Lair was not tracked. Last boss kills in SSC and TK have their name underlined and dated.



As Naxxramas requires you to only kill through one wing before being able to take on the end bosses of all wings and progress to Frostwyrm Lair the progression table is somewhat more complicated. Note the farthest boss in any wing your guild has defeated, place the initial of any other bosses in that wing in parentheses.

For example if you've had cleared through the Abomination Wing you would have Thaddius (PBL) for that wing. If you then continued on and killed Maexxna from the Spider wing without clearing the remainder of the wing's bosses you would only place Maexxna in the column.

Guild Abomination Wing Deathknight Wing Plague Wing Spider Wing Frostwyrm Lair
Alliance Dark Destiny Site Instructor Razuvious
Alliance Defiance Site Instructor Razuvious
Horde Indecisive Site Gluth (PB) Instructor Razuvious Noth the Plaguebringer Maexxna (AF)
Horde G2 Co-op Site Instructor Razuvious
Alliance Jesters Site Grobbulus (P) Instructor Razuvious Noth the Plaguebringer Maexxna (AF)
Alliance Night Eternal Site Instructor Razuvious
Alliance Paradigm Site Instructor Razuvious Grand Widow Faerlina (A)
Alliance Sanctuary [Site] Instructor Razuvious Grand Widow Faerlina (A)
Alliance SRA1 Site Instructor Razuvious Grand Widow Faerlina (A)
Alliance Tiras Site Grobbulus (P) Instructor Razuvious Noth the Plaguebringer Maexxna (AF)
Alliance Unrestrained Site Grobbulus (P) Gothik the Harvester (R) Noth the Plaguebringer Maexxna (AF)

Molten Core, Onyxia, Blackwing Lair, Temple of Ahn'Qiraj


Format: Guild, Best MC kill, Onyxia kill, Best BWL kill, Best AQ kill (optional bosses)

Guild or Co-Op Molten Core Onyxia Blackwing Lair The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj Zul'Gurub Ahn'Qiraj
Alliance Arsenal Team Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian
Horde Bloodpact of the Chosen Website Ragnaros Onyxia Razorgore Hakkar/Jindo Ossirian
Alliance Cake and Pie Website Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian Fankriss the Unyielding
Alliance Carnage Website Ragnaros Onyxia Razorgore Hakkar/Jin'do Buru
Alliance Clouded Minds Website Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian Princess Huhuran Hakkar/Jin'do the Hexer Ossirian
Alliance Dark Destiny Website Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian Princess Huhuran Hakkar Ossirian
Alliance Defiance Website Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian Huhuran Hakkar Ossirian
Alliance Divinity Website Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian Princess Huhuran Hakkar Ossirian
Alliance Dragonmarch Website Ragnaros Onyxia
Alliance Paradigm Website Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian Twin Emperors (L) Hakkar Ossirian
Horde Exodus Website Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian Skeram Hakkar Ossirian
Horde Fate Sealed Website Ragnaros Onyxia Flamegor Hakkar / Jin'do the Hexxer Ossirian
Alliance Fellowship of Alliance Website Ragnaros Onyxia Razorgore
Alliance Finale Website Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian Hakkar / Jin'do Ossirian
Alliance GOD OF WAR Website Ragnaros Onyxia Vaelastrasz the Corrupt
Horde G2 Co-op Website Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian Hakkar
Horde Indecisive Website Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian C'Thun (LVO)
Alliance Incursion of the Arcane Website Ragnaros Onyxia Chromaggus Hakkar/Jindo Ossirian
Alliance Jesters Website Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian C'Thun (L/O)
Horde MCLite Website Ragnaros Onyxia Broodlord Lashlayer Skeram Hakkar Ossirian
Alliance MCRARE Website Ragnaros Onyxia Razorgore Hakkar Buru/Moam
Alliance MCRARE 2 Website Ragnaros Onyxia Razorgore Hakkar Buru/Moam
Alliance MoOF Website Ragnaros Onyxia Razorgore Hakkar Buru
Horde Multitude Website Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian Princess Huhuran Hakkar Ossirian
Alliance Night Eternal Website Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian Princess Huhuran (L) Hakkar / Jin'do Ossirian
Alliance Qiraji Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian Twin Emperors (L)
Alliance Quixotic Website Ragnaros Onyxia
Horde Requiem Website Ragnaros Onyxia Razorgore Hakkar / Jin'do Moam / Buru
Alliance Sanctuary Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian Fankriss
Alliance SRA1 Website Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian Twin Emperors (L)
Alliance SRA3 Website Ragnaros Onyxia Vaelastrasz the Corrupt Bloodlord Mandokir Ossirian the Unscarred
Horde The Black Army Website Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian
Alliance The Corporation Website Ragnaros Onyxia Chromaggus Hakkar/Jin'do Ossirian
Alliance Tiras Website Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian Twin Emperors (L)
Alliance Unrestrained Website Ragnaros Onyxia Nefarian Twin Emperors (L) Hakkar/Jin'do Ossirian
Alliance Valorous Website Ragnaros Onyxia Flamegor

World Spawns

Server Progression

  • Scepter of the Shifting Sands: Complete (Lornath Date??)
  • War Effort: Complete (Date??)
Guild Azuregos Kazzak Ysondre Emeriss Taerar Lethon
Alliance Cake and Pie Azuregos Taerar Lethon
Alliance Dark Destiny Azuregos Kazzak Ysondre Emeriss Taerar
Horde G2 Azuregos Ysondre Emeriss Taerar Lethon
Horde Indecisive Azuregos Kazzak Ysondre Emeriss Taerar Lethon
Horde Multitude Azuregos Kazzak Ysondre Emeriss Lethon
Alliance Night Eternal Azuregos Kazzak Lethon
Alliance Paradigm Azuregos Kazzak Emeriss Taerar Lethon