Server:Crushridge US/Progression

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This article is an information page for the Crushridge realm (server)

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The information and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.

This page represents the current progression of Crushridge. Each guild can list which bosses they have downed as noted on the charts. Please continue to update this page as your guild or other guilds progress. To add a new guild, simply copy the previous' guild line and then input your own information. Guilds are listed by order of progression. For an alphabetical list of active guilds, see the Crushridge main page.

25 Man Raid

Sunwell key art.jpg



Undone.gifGruul's Lair

Undone.gifMagtheridon's Lair

Undone.gifSerpentshrine Cavern

Undone.gifThe Eye

Undone.gifHyjal Summit

Undone.gifThe Black Temple

Undone.gifSunwell Plateau

Alliance Alliance
Guild Gruul's Lair Magtheridon's Lair Serpentshrine Cavern The Eye Hyjal Summit The Black Temple Sunwell Plateau
Alliance Humble Gruul Magtheridon Lady Vashj Kael'thas Archimonde Illidan Eredar Twins
Alliance Ewiges Licht Gruul Magtheridon Lady Vashj Kael'thas Archimonde Illidan Brutallus
Alliance Dark Moon Templars Gruul Magtheridon Lady Vashj Kael'thas Archimonde Illidan Kalecgos
Alliance Obsidian Gruul Magtheridon Lady Vashj Kael'thas Archimonde Illidan Kalecgos
Alliance Temperance Gruul Magtheridon Lady Vashj Kael'thas Archimonde Illidan
Alliance Schism Gruul Magtheridon Lady Vashj Kael'thas Archimonde Illidari Council

Horde Horde
Guild Gruul's Lair Magtheridon's Lair Serpentshrine Cavern The Eye Hyjal Summit The Black Temple Sunwell Plateau
Horde Rampage Gruul Magtheridon Lady Vashj Kael'Thas Archimonde Illidan Brutallus
Horde Equinoctis Gruul Magtheridon Lady Vashj Kael'Thas Archimonde Illidan
Horde Undead and Fabulous Gruul Magtheridon Lady Vashj Kael'Thas Archimonde Illidan
Horde Township Rebellion Gruul Magtheridon Lady Vashj Kael'Thas Archimonde Illidan
Horde Black Cell Faction Gruul Magtheridon Lady Vashj Kael'Thas Archimonde Illidari Council