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Scridorsa the Chiseler

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NeutralScridorsa the Chiseler
Image of Scridorsa the Chiseler
Title <Inscription>
Race Niffen (Humanoid)
Level 70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Loamm Niffen
Location Loamm, Zaralek Cavern
Status Alive

Scridorsa the Chiseler is a niffen located in Loamm in Zaralek Cavern.


Item Cost
Alchemy vials and herbalism items
 [Herbalist's Spade] 1s 58c
 [Draconic Vial] 5g
Item Cost
Inscription items
 [Glittering Parchment] 1g
 [Virtuoso Inking Set] 7s 50c
 [Iridescent Water] 4s
 [Scribe's Satchel] 50s
Item Cost
 [Technique: Contract: Loamm Niffen] 1 Glimmerogg Timeshare Voucher
 [Technique: Glyph of the Chosen Glaive] 1 Glimmerogg Timeshare Voucher
 [Technique: Glyph of the Heaved Armament] 1 Glimmerogg Timeshare Voucher
 [Technique: Winding Slitherdrake: White Hair] 1 Glimmerogg Timeshare Voucher
 [Technique: Hissing Rune] 1 Ponzo's Cream
 [Technique: Vantus Rune: Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible] 1 Ponzo's Cream
 [Technique: Winding Slitherdrake: Small Finned Throat] 1 Ponzo's Cream




Can I help you, uplander? I'm pretty busy trying to decipher all these texts!

How do you read such tiny writing? Chiseled marks in stone are much more efficient, tactile and legible!

Buy I would like to barter.

Patch changes

External links