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Start Mangled Body
End Corporal Teegan
Level 10-30
Category Southern Barrens
Experience 2,540 XP
Reputation +250 rep with Stormwind
Rewards 30s


Retrieve 10 Northwatch Supply Crates from the Raptor Den.


<You discover a cargo manifest on the body, detailing a long list of sundries urgently needed on the front.>

<A bloody trail in the dirt indicates bodies were dragged south of here, toward the raptor dens.>

<The raptors may have dragged away the supplies, as well. Retrieving those supplies for Corporal Teegan could help salvage this disaster!>


You will receive:


What? My supply caravan was sacked by those cold-blooded scissor-paw things?


My supplies! Well, that showed some real initiative, <class>. Those rap-saws or whatever they're called have torn lesser men to ribbons. Thank you!


  1. A [10-30] Teegan's Troubles (breadcrumb)
  2. A [10-30] A Failure to Communicate and A [10-30] Make 'em Squeal
  3. A [10-30] You Flicked a Fine Vine to Leaf Me and A [10-30] Trouble From the Ground Up (to the Overgrowth)
  4. A [10-30] To the Front! (breadcrumb to Forward Command)

Patch changes

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