Savannah Huntress

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MobSavannah Huntress
Image of Savannah Huntress
Gender Female
Race Lion (Beast)
Level 5-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Northern Barrens
Status Killable
Pet family Cat

Savannah Huntresses are lionesses found in the Northern Barrens. They were present during Legion Invasions.


  • Ability druid dash.png Dash — Increases movement speed by 60% for 5 sec.
  • Ability druid mangle.png Pounce — Leaps to the enemy's location, slaying it.
  • Ability druid rake.png Pounce — Inflicts normal damage and stuns an enemy.

Objective of

WoW Icon update.png The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3a but is present in Classic Era.

External links

Northern Barrens Legion Invasion

es:Cazadora de la sabana