Rootsear Defiler

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MobRootsear Defiler
Image of Rootsear Defiler
Gender Both
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Level 70
Class Druid
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Druids of the Flame
Location Singing Fen, Emerald Dream
Status Killable

Rootsear Defilers are night elves located in the Singing Fen in the Emerald Dream. They are attempting to corrupt Amirdrassil through its exposed roots.


Objective of


  • Aggro
  • Death
    • Fyrakk forgive my...failure.
    • I will be... avenged.
    • Immortality awaits me... in the Firelands!
    • This will not stop us...

Patch changes

External links