Rollin' Down in the Deeps

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NeutralRollin' Down in the Deeps
Start Gnawbles [47.6, 35.2]
End Gnawbles [47.6, 35.2]
Level 80 (Requires 80)
Type Weekly
Category The Ringing Deeps
Reputation +1000 The Assembly of the Deeps or 200x [Resonance Crystals]
Rewards  [Everyday Cache]


Collect 10 Odd Globs of Wax.


Got a big task for you, yes?

Fetch things, all waxy. Bring 'em quick, yeah? Much to trade for good finds.

Get snufflin', friend!


You will receive:

One-time warband bonus:


You done snufflin' yet? Got those waxy bits?


Ah, back so soon! Show me those waxy treasures.


Turn on Outline Mode (Esc → Options → Interface → Display → Outline Mode) to make the Disturbed Earth objects all over Khaz Algar light up. They will not appear on the minimap.

Gather 100 Odd Globs of Wax to earn the  [Super Size Snuffling] achievement.

Patch changes

External links