Regeneration (mage rune)

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For other uses, see Regeneration.
Inv enchant essencenethersmall.png
  • Regeneration
  • Mage rune
  • 40 yd range
  • 43% of base mana
  • Channeled
  • Heals the target for 419 health over 3 sec and applies Temporal Beacon for 30 sec.

    Spell nature timestop.png Temporal Beacon
    Records the subject's space-time position. 80% of all Arcane damage done by the caster will be converted to chronomantic healing on each of the caster's current Temporal Beacon targets. This healing is reduced by 50% on self, and also reduced by 80% when damage is done by Arcane spells that damage multiple targets.
Class Mage
School Arcane
Cooldown None/Global Cooldown
Related buffs
  • Magic
  • Regeneration
  • Healing 419 health over 3 sec.
  • Duration: 3 seconds

  • Magic
  • Temporal Beacon
  • Records the subject's position in time and space. Damage done by caster will be result in this subject receiving chronomantic healing.
  • Duration: 30 seconds
Related debuff
  • Magic
  • Tangled Causality
  • Fire and Frost spell damage done reduced by 50% and unable to cast Ice Block.
  • Duration: 5 minutes

Regeneration is a Mage rune for chest armor. It is learned from  [Spell Notes: Regeneration].

Casting it applies Tangled Causality to the mage for 5 minutes.

Patch changes

  • WoW Icon update.png Hotfix (2024-03-05): Spell power coefficient increased by 88%.
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.15.1 (2024-02-06): Healing from all spells damaging multiple targets is now reduced by 80% (was only [Arcane Explosion]).
  • WoW Icon update.png Hotfix (2023-12-14):
    • Will now properly consume [Arcane Blast] when benefitting from it, regardless of the Mage's healing targets.
    • Temporal Beacon will now also heal based on damage done by Arcane wands.
  • WoW Icon update.png Hotfix (2023-12-01): Healing caused by Arcane Explosion reduced by 80%.
Developers' note: We did not intend for Mage healing to trivialize content.

External links