Reed 'The Flirt' Fisc

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MobReed 'The Flirt' Fisc
Image of Reed 'The Flirt' Fisc
Title <Irontide Raiders>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 10-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Irontide Raiders
Location Ring of Booty, Tiragarde Sound
Status Killable

Reed 'The Flirt' Fisc is a human located at the Ring of Booty in Tiragarde Sound. He is dancing on a table, surrounded by Adoring Freebooters.


  • Ability rogue sealfate.png Cutlass Slash — Inflicts Physical damage.
  • Achievement halloween smiley 01.png Dazzling Visage — The caster, flaunts their dazzling beauty, inflicting Physical damage. Additionally, any enemies looking at the caster are also disoriented.
  • Paladin icon speedoflight.png Flashlight — Facing the Flashlight disorients all nearby enemies facing the caster for 3 sec and inflicts an additional 25 Holy damage.
  • Inv sword 1h garrison a 04.png Thrust — Thrusts the caster's weapon at the enemy, inflicting Physical damage and additional Physical damage every 1 sec for 5 sec.



What ho, challenger appears! Have at thee!
But... I'm too pretty to die...

Patch changes

External links