Recently Living

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HordeRecently Living
Start Instructor Antheol[56, 55]
End Instructor Antheol[56, 55]
Level 1-30
Category Mage
Experience 850
Rewards  [Ley Orb] or
 [Ley Staff]
Previous H Mage [1-30] The Purest Water


Slay the Eversong Green Keepers until they yield a Living Branch for Instructor Antheol.


You may have noticed the walking trees near Elrendar Falls. As the keepers of nature, they are infused with a primal magic we can reform to our own purposes using the pure water you have already brought to me.

Unfortunately, the green keepers are gnarled and twisted creatures, so you may need to kill a few before you find a useable branch.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv misc orb 01.png [Ley Orb] Inv staff 21.png [Ley Staff]

You will also gain:

  • 850 XP (or 5s 10c at level 70)


Do you have the living branch? Hand it over quickly!


You've done as I've asked, <name>, and you may take your reward now.


  1. H Mage [1-30] Fetch!
  2. H Mage [1-30] The Purest Water
  3. H Mage [1-30] Recently Living

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es:Misión:Recientemente vivo