Ratts' Revenge
- Ratts' Revenge
- Uncover Ratts' story and take back her stolen prize.
Ratts' Revenge is a feat of strength earned by obtaining Ratts stolen prize as part of Guest Relations. It is also the name of a scenario that is a very large puzzle to acquire [Incognitro, the Indecipherable Felcycle] mount.
Scenario overview
Use the [Inert Peculiar Key] with the
[Peculiar Gem] to form the
[Peculiar Key]. Head to [47.0, 69.0] outside Karazhan in the Deadwind Pass to find a small portcullis. Equip the
[Torch of Pyrreth] with the Peculiar Key in the character's bags (not the bank!) and an instance line will appear! Walk through it to enter the Ratts' Revenge scenario.
- Ratts' Revenge
Inside, several potions spawn randomly:
- Potion of Invisibility, makes everything invisible by turning the screen black for 30 seconds
- Potion of Weakness, turns the user into a sheep for 3 seconds
- Potion of Intense emotions, feeling emotions for 30 seconds
The [Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron] has a unique whisper:
- Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron whispers: Wait. I know this place. You fool! Hahahaha!
Fishing in any of the open water in the lower level can turn up a [Rosy Sprat]. Sprats are a type of herring and rosy is red, so red herrings.
Rooms and interesting objects
There are a great number of objects, doodads, and other interactives in the scenario. Anything that has a tooltip or interacts with players is listed here and described in the sections below, except for the number scraps visible after finishing the 2 o'clock orb, which are documented in the Number scraps and 4 o'clock sections.
Number scraps
These number scraps appeared after finishing the 2 o'clock orb by getting the [Key of Shadows], and are the clue for the 4 o'clock orb, asking players to Bring Doom to Lights Tomb.
Room | Coords | Code | Value | Location | |
4 | [51.2, 77.1] | 666 | B | 66 | Floor east wall |
8 | [70.7, 16.1] | 786 | r | 114 | Behind fel crate |
6 | [67.0, 55.7] | 513 | i | 105 | Touching crate |
4 | [52.2, 78.0] | 1778 | n | 110 | Floor, behind books under bookcase |
1 | [71.3, 57.9] | 7 | g | 103 | Underwater below door in rubble |
4 | [46.9, 75.8] | 80 | 32 | Floor under table | |
5 | [41.3, 69.1] | 1172 | D | 68 | Second-from-top shelf |
4 | [47.3, 78.3] | 27 | o | 111 | Floor under bookshelf |
6 | [56.3, 44.4] | 27 | o | 111 | Floor behind crate |
6 | [60.9, 42.2] | 1525 | m | 10 | Behind tile |
2 | [56.5, 75.3] | 80 | 32 | Floor, through gate | |
1 | [57.3, 57.0] | 1292 | t | 116 | In bucket near stairs |
7 | [73.7, 46.2] | 27 | o | 111 | Central floor |
3 | [51.1, 66.1] | 80 | 32 | Floor northeast corner | |
4 | [47.3, 78.4] | 1192 | L | 76 | Bookshelf |
1 | [59.4, 66.8] | 513 | i | 105 | On top of crate stack |
0 | [73.2, 88.3] | 7 | g | 103 | Underwater |
1 | [65.9, 71.8] | 260 | h | 104 | Behind crate |
0 | [75.0, 82.9] | 1292 | t | 116 | Under rubble behind statue |
0 | [69.6, 88.0] | 1039 | s | 115 | On rubble base of steps |
0 | [76.5, 88.2] | 80 | 32 | Alcove | |
1 | [70.3, 74.1] | 1212 | T | 84 | Underwater near barrels |
8 | [70.9, 18.6] | 27 | o | 111 | Floor by northeast plate |
5 | [44.7, 71.4] | 1525 | m | 109 | Floor behind table |
5 | [45.9, 65.9] | 746 | b | 98 | Floor behind armor stand |
Room 0: Entry and stairs
The entry area from Deadwind Pass is a stairway down to the lower level. On the way is the corpse of a Northsea Thug in a small nook. Loot the corpse for a [Nesingwary Lackey Ear], which is part of the D.E.H.T.A storyline in Borean Tundra and a clue for the 3 o'clock orb. Across from it is a Ghostly Brazier, which was hotfixed in on 25 November. Using it will reset the daily lockout on Zarhym on Timeless Isle for players who looted a chest or took Zarhym to his body. While locked out, players will be blocked off from battling Jeremy Feasel for the 5 o'clock orb (and
[Golden Muffin]).
Further down on the hole side of the stairs next to a candelabra is the first Ordinary Pebble, triggering quest 85172. Further down the stairs, look for the explorer skeleton with hat and map. On the downstairs side of the arch, look behind it on the north wall to find pebble #2, triggering quest 85171.
At the bottom of the stairs in the safe landing water is a random potion (weakness, invisibility, intense emotions), a Barrel, and a Waterlogged Chest.
Also at the bottom level are an Rage Statue in the form of an ogre for the 8 o'clock orb, and a Replica Owl of the Watchers.
- Ratts' Revenge room 0: entry and stairs
- Ghostly Brazier (5 o'clock)
- Northsea Thug (3 o'clock: Hear)
- Ordinary Pebble #1 by candelabra on stairs
- Ordinary Pebble #2 opposite explorer skeleton in nook
- Waterlogged Chest, Barrel, Random potion
- Rage Statue (8 o'clock)
Room 1: South hall
Through the open door is the south hall. Directly north is a second Waterlogged Chest and a Replica Owl of the Watchers. Near the watcher statue is the third Ordinary Pebble behind the skeleton, triggering quest 85169. Also present are a Chest of Mo'arg Technologies and a third Waterlogged Chest in the hallway to the west, and a second Chest of Mo'arg Technologies in the western bit before the stairs at the bottom of the water. While invisible (with potions like Draught of Silent Footfalls but not a mage's [Invisibility]), a Spirit Obelisk can be found in the water near the Mo'arg chest.
- Room 1: South hall
- Ordinary Pebble #3 behind skeleton
Room 2: Cat room
The cat room is behind a locked gate, where Milo, Ginn, and Beez are inside. Just inside the gate to the right is the fourth Ordinary Pebble, a grandfather clock that reads 2:58, and a Potion of Truth.
The pebble can be rubbed through the grate, and it reads "<An ordinary pebble, unremarkable in every way.>" and triggers tracking quest 85170. Everything else is out of reach.
- Room 2: Cat room
Room 3: Southwest connector
The southwest connector has two barred doors, the Chamber Door for the south room, and Door 430 going west, both opened with the [Key of Shadows] from the 2 o'clock orb. The Enigmatic Decrypting Device in the southeast corner can be clicked on but doesn't otherwise have any interaction. In the southwest corner is a Scrying Orb that reports how many times the Red Button above Door 430 has been clicked. Next to it is a fire-breathing statue that applies a stacking Fire Breath debuff on the player. In the northeast corner is Ratts' Journal, Pages 92-93 (4 and 9 o'clock) that reads:
I can't believe I got my dream job! I can already picture the escape rooms I'll make. These will be the best events ever!
They might be a little tough, sure. They might be technically "incomplete" or "unsolvable," but that's what makes them worthwhile! It's all about the endless hunt, the love of play. Because when you love what you do, well, difficult challenges just become another puzzle to solve.
Under the floating shelf in the northeast corner is a Beginner's Guide to Dimensional Rifting that is labeled, but not otherwise interactive. On the high shelf in the northeast corner is another random potion.
In the northwest corner on the pile of books on the ground is the Untitled Journal, which reads:
Darkness. Disorder. These are the foundations of mystery. Who better to understand that mystery than the mo'arg? They forge chaos, bending it to their will, forcing the world to reveal itself. I must be like them.
<The next few pages were burned away in fel flame.>
...the only one who truly understands. I have been tracking him--following his trail of riddles for what feels like years. Through Draenor, through the Broken Isles... I feel as if I am chasing ghosts. Maybe I am.
But if what I found in the Mechanar is any indication of his capabilities, then I will stop at nothing until I know all of Ulzik's secrets.
On the ground just east is another random potion. In the bottom of the bookshelf by the entry door is a Sealed Clue that has a name but isn't interactive, and a Lovingly Handcrafted Clue on top of the bookshelf. This is the clue for the 1 o'clock orb, which reads:
- English
- Portuguese
- Spanish (LATAM)
- Spanish (EU)
- French
- German
- Italian
- Russian
- шеевега роль вуду,змеи телище
- Chinese
- Korean
- 음영전 혼이 서몸 혼든과 오의인을 과약히 러 마움 밝네
- Room 3: Southwest connector
- Ratts' Journal, Pages 92-93 (4 and 9 o'clock)
- Lovingly Handcrafted Clue (1 o'clock)
Room 4: Moonkin Room
The Moonkin Room is south behind the Chamber Door, which is unlocked with the [Key of Shadows] from the 2 o'clock orb. Contains a Nature Statue of a carved wood moonkin in the center of the room which can be dragged like the others for 8 o'clock, a Proximity Bomb in the northeast corner, Textbooks on the Philosophies and Applications of Ciphers left of the bookshelf, The List on the floor in front of the bookshelf to the southwest, which has some Cold Coffee (60 sec 20% move speed buff) a small Astral Soup (3 o'clock) bowl that can be fished in on the second shelf, a Glyph of Immunity in the southwest corner, some "Property of Elder Ko'nani" (3 o'clock) on the south wall next to a Decryption Console (3 o'clock), an Astral Chest (3 o'clock) in the southeast corner, and two more Proximity Bombs on the west wall. An Unlabeled Document is on the floor in the northwest corner by the door. An Ordinary Pebble on the hanging shelf on the western wall.
Fishing in the Astral Soup will yield the [Astral Key], which opens the Astral Chest. The chest contains the
[Starry-Eyed Goggles].
The List reads:
These characters all have red hair, so it's a red herring.
The Unlabeled Document has been run through three in-game language translators, and variously reads:
While buffed with [Potion of Polymorphic Translation: Nerubian] from vendors in the City of Threads, the nerubian version reads "Red herrings are a kind of kippered fish."
- Room 4: Moonkin Room
- Nature Statue (8 o'clock)
- Astral Soup (3 o'clock)
- "Property of Elder Ko'nani" (3 o'clock)
- Decryption Console (
3 o'clock) - Astral Chest (3 o'clock)
Room 5: Behind Door 430
Room 430 (or Ratts' Office) is west behind Door 430, which is opened with the [Key of Shadows] from the 2 o'clock orb. Inside are a grid of floor tiles from Mists of Pandaria that hit very hard. Don't stand on them without protection!
Clockwise from the south are a Torn Journal Entry (for 4 and 9 o'clock), Ratts' Journal, Page 115 (for 9 o'clock), and an Encrypted Puzzle Box (3 o'clock) on the table, with a Decryption Console (3 o'clock) in the southwest corner by the huge book. On the floor below the bookshelf on the west wall is The Hidden Zeroth Letter of the Alphabet and Other Mysteries of Linguistic Mathematics (for 9 o'clock) tucked up by the right side. In the northwest corner hidden behind the table is a Handwritten Note. The handwritten note is a reference to the ID of the GameObject "17112317", which is part of the 3 o'clock puzzle. A draggable Watcher Statue for 8 o'clock is on the north wall. An Ordinary Pebble can be found next to the bookshelf.
How many years has it been since that fateful day? When so many heroes began their journeys on Azeroth... Bah, "heroes." Anyone can solve a problem that's right in front of them. It takes cleverness to solve the mysteries hidden from plain sight.
FIRED? How could they fire me? I put so much work into my challenges. This is... betrayal!
Fine, I don't even care! Damn the puzzles. Damn those "event coordinators." Damn it all!
They want fun? I'll show them fun. If this is a game to them, I'll show them how much I love to play.
Note to self: my secret password is 466478.
- Room 5: Door 430
- Torn Journal Entry (4 and 9 o'clock)
- Ratts' Journal, Page 115 (9 o'clock)
- Encrypted Puzzle Box (3 o'clock)
- Decryption Console (
3 o'clock) - Handwritten Note (3 o'clock)
- Watcher Statue (8 o'clock)
Room 6: North connecting hall
Up the stairs is the north connecting hall. At the top of the steps is the alert door that flashes players red when they pass through it. Additionally, the Intent Shadow from the Ghost Trap in the felcycle room will not pass the door.
On the north wall is a Broken Cloaking Device next to a support pillar, and the Enigma Machine just east:
<This contraption is non-functional.>
<Do nothing.>
Pinned to it is an OUT OF ORDER note that reads: This piece of junk hasn't worked for 20 years.
After completing the 6 o'clock and 7 o'clock orbs, the items awarded from those orbs can be fed into the enigma machine, starting the 8 o'clock puzzle.
On the south wall is a Dusty Chest, a draggable Guardian Statue (for 8 o'clock), and a Barrel hidden behind a crate. Just east is the skeleton of Rubenstein with its Right and Left eyes, though they're labeled from a viewer's perspective and not that of the skeleton. It's holding Rubenstein's Dagger and was guarding Rubenstein's Safe. Rubenstein's objects are part of the 3 o'clock orb.
To the northeast are two Dusty Chests and another Barrel. Southeast is a pile of papers containing a Handwritten Note. It cannot initially be read, but after completing the 2 o'clock orb, it reads:
Springshells on a log
Newman's Landing
Master Nguyen
This is a clue for the nearby Decryption Console for the 3 o'clock orb. Near it on the east wall is the fifth Ordinary Pebble in the right hand of a skeleton, triggering quest #?. Behind the crates to the southeast are some Crumpled Notes for the 2 o'clock orb, which have different text while buffed with The Light of Their Love. They read:
- Unbuffed
- When gods of mantids pierce the Veil
- <The rest of the note has been angrily scribbled out.>
- Buffed
- When gods of mantids pierce the Veil:
- stand high above the glowing Tail
- and pray with gifts of gods imbued
- that they may claim your puppy too.
To the east is the Humming Crystal room. While standing near it, players are debuffed with Observed: You are being watched.
- Room 6: North connecting hall
- Enigma Machine (8 o'clock)
- OUT OF ORDER (8 o'clock)
- Guardian Statue (8 o'clock)
- Handwritten Note (3 o'clock)
- Ordinary Pebble #5 in skeleton's right hand
- Crumpled Notes (2 o'clock)
Room 7: Humming Crystal room
Through the locked gate of the Humming Crystal room is an Arcane Device, which can be reached from the outside. Inspect it to start the Bejweled-alike minigame. Click off the Arcane Runelock buff to exit the puzzle.
Access the room by using the [Relic of Crystal Connections] from the 5 o'clock orb on the purple Humming Crystal on the floor of the south wall. Exit the room by hugging the gate, looking up, and using the relic on the green Humming Crystal outside.
Also visible, clockwise around the room are a The Mystery of the Owl Watchers, Volumes I-IX book pile on the east wall, north corner, Solved: Feeding Hek on top of that book pile, the Carefully Constructed Control Device, Tulipa Gigantum and the Hundred Voices a green book on the floor propped up in the southeast corner, The Mystery of the Owl Watchers, Volumes X-XVII on the southeast bookshelf, and Why Seagulls Circle paper on the southeast corner by The Mystery of the Owl Watchers, Volumes X-XVII.
Three tooltips erroneously unlocked for all players ahead of their intended viewing window: Memoirs of the Lucid Nightmare Mystery, the bookshelf on the east wall, north corner, a brown On the Telescopes of Draenor book on the floor propped up in front of the book pile northeast book pile, and The Whereabouts of Papa Duck on top of the southeast bookshelf. The developer has confirmed that these items should not have been enabled after completing the 3 o'clock orb. They will be relevant for the 6 and 7 o'clock steps and can be disregarded until then.
Inside, and after finishing the 5 o'clock orb, clockwise from the west are the Arcane Device by the gate, Ratts' Journal, Pages 3-79 (for 9 o'clock) on the floor on the north wall, Abridged Highlights of My Notes on the Owl Watchers on the table in the northeast corner (for 7 o'clock), Ratts' Journal, Page 17 (for 9 o'clock) on the floor in front of the east table, the Book of Maps on the floor in front of the southeast bookshelf, and Zul'Gurub and the Altars of Acquisition (for 6 o'clock).
Who knew there was a whole world out there to explore? I can't wait to find every corner of it! I'll be the greatest explorer ever--I'll find every one of Azeroth's mysteries.
<Several pages have been carefully ripped out.>
I've found six pebbles so far. I've deduced that the next one is somewhere in the South Seas of Nazmir.
<The following pages are mostly maps, charts, and coordinate logs.>
<Many pages have been viciously torn out.>
<Ratts' notes on this mystery seem endless, though much of the text is dedicated to understanding the relationship between each owl statue on the Isle of the Watchers.>
<Flip to a random page.> Will turn to any of:
3 minus 5 is -2.
-2 times 1 is -2.
A3 B2 C7 D11 E18 I19 H20 F23 G25
Imps? Murlocs?
<It's a map of the ocean.>
I've talked to every warden and none of them will tell me the secret!
Maybe I could find my own warden...
Taming has gone about as well as expected so far. The young one takes well to the statues.
The true warden faces inward.
A ruby-colored statue.
No, no, it's all wrong!
The vaults hold the key. The light opens the way.
Tried Skaggldrynk. I saw colors and shapes, but nothing that helped my search.
Why does the trainee have pigtails?
I just love playing around with potential solutions. It's the thrill of the chase that keeps me going when all hope seems lost.
<Nearly a thousand pages are dedicated to mapping out the Endless Halls.>
- Room 7: Humming Crystal room
- Ratts' Journal, Pages 3-79 (9 o'clock)
- The Mystery of the Owl Watchers, Volumes I-IX (7 o'clock)
- Ratts' Journal, Page 17 (9 o'clock)
- Purple Humming Crystal (inside)
- The Mystery of the Owl Watchers, Volumes X-XVII (7 o'clock)
- Zul'Gurub and the Altars of Acquisition (6 o'clock)
Room 8: Felcycle room and orbs
The Felcycle is positioned in the center of the room, surrounded by twelve small pillars. These pillars are what track overall progress in the secret. More info in the Felcycle room orbs section of the Incognitro article.
Tock the crocolisk is visible through the floorboards. On the southwest wall is a Ghost Trap that triggers the Intent Shadow, which whispers:
- Intent Shadow whispers: What are you?
A Greed Statue for 8 o'clock is in the southeast corner.
Above the vault door to the north is a Cryptic Plaque that reads:
The missing rhyme
The crystal's glow
The stars above
The space below
The time of now
for long ago
My secret notes you'll never see
Unless you learn to work as three.
In other languages, the final line reads:
- Portuguese
- Spanish (LATAM)
- Spanish (EU)
- French
- German
- Italian
- Russian
- Chinese (CN)
- ABD2E6A0D6C1C1E8
- Chinese (TW)
- Korean
- 209044EE2EF812862E8A14AE0B9B1B50
The secret notes / work as three lines are for 5 o'clock, the rest are for 9 o'clock.
After a hotfix on 9 December, eight ghostly objects appear when viewed with the [Starry-Eyed Goggles] above the Cryptic Plaque.
- Room 8: Felcycle room
- Greed Statue (8 o'clock)
- Cryptic Plaque (5 and 9 o'clock)
- "Feeling Lucky?" Slot Machines (
3 o'clock)
Room 9: Cryptic Plaque and Vault room
After lighting the 8 o'clock orb, the Enigmatic Door unlocks, revealing access to the room north of the felcycle. Find Ratts' Journal: The Final Chapter? on the southwest table. The [Torch of Pyrreth] interacts with the naga portal on the north wall. An equivalent portal is located at Nazj'vel in both phases of Darkshore.
In catacombs with dusty pages
As paladins or rogues or mages
Through all the wars that never cease
In search of hope
In search of peace
For all the journeys, in any weather,
For adventures yet to come together
The final key is why I stay:
For you...
For Azeroth...
In the northwest corner, after the hotfix on 9 December, is a cake on top of an hourglass. They (and Ratts' Journal) glow while wearing the [Starry-Eyed Goggles] and are clues for the 9 o'clock orb.
- Room 9: Vault room
- Ratts' Journal: The Final Chapter? (9 o'clock)
Patch changes
Patch 11.0.5 (2024-10-22): Added.