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Main article: Totally Safe Treasure Chest
Image of Ram'Pag
Title <The Treasure Worm>
Race Worm (Beast)
Level 10-45 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Reflection Peak, Highmountain [52.4, 51.4]
Status Killable

Ram'Pag, the Treasure Worm, is a giant worm that burrows out of the ground to attack the player when they attempt to loot the Totally Safe Treasure Chest on the summit of Reflection Peak in Highmountain. After killing Ram'Pag, the Actually Safe Treasure Chest containing an  [Offering to Ram'Pag] appears on the ground instead.


  • Spell shaman earthquake.png Rampaging Slam — Slams the ground, inflicting Physical damage and knocking all nearby enemies into the air.
  • Ability creature poison 02.png Worm Bile — Spews forth bile, inflicting Nature damage.

Objective of

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

Patch changes

External links