Radiant Grouper

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MobRadiant Grouper
Image of Radiant Grouper
Race Grouper (Beast)
Level 55-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde (Hibernal Hollow)
Location Ardenweald; Ember Court
Status Killable

Radiant Groupers are groupers located in the Dreamsong Fenn in Ardenweald. They also appear in the river southwest of Hibernal Hollow during N [60] Ember Court: Glimpse of the Wilds. After this quest is finished, they can be seen at the Ember Court when the Glimpse of the Wilds entertainment is chosen.


  • Creatureportrait bubble.png Flimsy Bubble — Slows your falling for 5 sec.
  • Spell shadow demonbreath.png Swimming — Enjoying a peaceful swim. Unable to attack and cast spells.

Objective of

Patch changes

External links