Queen Anub'izek (book)

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For the book's namesake, see Queen Anub'izek.
Queen Anub'izek.

Queen Anub'izek is a book located at [37.00, 32.66] atop a messy pile of books in the Skein of the Dynasty in the City of Threads. Its contents can only be understood while under the effects of Potion of Polymorphic Translation: Nerubian. Reading it is required for  [Smelling History].



The "writing" of this book is a series of burns, slashes, punctures and strange scents that you lack the sensory organs to fully comprehend the meaning of.

While under the effects of Potion of Polymorphic Translation: Nerubian

The First Queen of True Nerub.

In ancient times before the children of stone or the strands of queens and sages there was an Empire born of darkness.

It was a time of death and war. Hosts of armies swarmed in numbers sixteen and five times the people of the Last Kingdom when this record was sewn.From[sic] that crucible of darkness rose a leader who foresaw where the darkness would lead.

Anub'izek was a unique creature crafted with the power of a lord and the memory of a sage. They were made to command and lead legions into battles that they would not survive.

And so Anub'izek defied the dark ones that had helped in her creation.With[sic] her army, she led them deep into the earth and away from the front of a lost battle. Spurned by endless war, unwilling to sacrifice more of her people, Anub'izek would become the first queen of the true nerubians.

Thus, our people became a people, and would never be puppets of the Empire of darkness again.

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