Queen Anub'izek

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This article is about the character. For the book, see Queen Anub'izek (book).
NeutralQueen Anub'izek
Image of Queen Anub'izek
Title First Queen of True Nerub
Gender Female
Race Nerubian queen
Affiliation(s) Empire of Azjol-Nerub
Former affiliation(s) Black Empire
Status Deceased

Queen Anub'izek was the founder of Azj-Kahet, and the first queen of the "true nerubians". According to the histories of Azj-Kahet, Anub'izek was a unique creature with the power of a lord and the memory of a sage, created by the "dark ones" to command the legions of the "Empire of darkness" into battles that they would not survive. By the Loom of Fate, Anub’izek the Fatespinner saw an apocalyptic future for the Nerubians if they continued to follow their shadowy masters. Vowing to be free, she led a group of her people away from Northrend into the earth, where they would found Azj-Kahet. Queen Anub’izek would eventually fall in battle, against the sundry threats against her kingdom.[1][2]

It's not clear how this account relates to the fact that the nerubians only split from the aqir during the Aqir and Troll War many millennia after the Black Empire ceased to exist.[3]

She appears in Worldsoul Memory: Old Gods Forsaken as a memory of The Rebellious Queen leading Nerubian Rebels.
