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Gender Male
Race Bronze dragonspawn (Dragonkin)
Level ?? Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Bronze dragonflight
Location Elsewhen
Status Alive

Procrastimond is a bronze dragonspawn found in Elsewhen.



Are you a dream, little one? ...No, you could not be a dream, for I have not slept in an eon. Perhaps, then it is you who are dreaming? You see, this place should be beyond the reach of hte mortal races.

You are welcome to peruse my books, but they have been restless as of late. A thread has unraveled and the knowledge they hold begins to drift.

If during your adventures you notice a sense of deja vu, you may have stumbled across a snag in the tapestry of fate. Please let me know if you experience such a thing.

Gossip How do I leave this place?

You might try jumping over the edge? Although the timeways wending beneath us are chaotic, they tend to deposit lost travelers back to where and when they belong. More or less.

Using a rune on a book
That seems to have calmed them a bit, my friend. Well done!

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