Portal Keeper

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Not to be confused with Portal Keeper (Legion) or Portal Keeper (Vision of Stormwind).
MobPortal Keeper
Image of Portal Keeper
Race Blue dragonspawn (Dragonkin)
Level 16-31 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Blue dragonflight
Location The Violet Hold
Status Killable

Portal Keepers are blue dragonspawn found in the Violet Hold.


Each version has their own set of spells.

One version:

  • Spell arcane starfire.png Arcane Volley — Hurls magical bolt at nearby enemies, inflicting 459 Arcane damage.
  • Spell frost frostbolt02.png Frostbolt — Inflicts Frost damage to an enemy and reduces its movement speed for 4 sec.
  • Spell nature polymorph.png Polymorph — Transforms an enemy into a sheep, forcing it to wander around for up to 5 sec. While wandering, the sheep cannot attack or cast spells. Any damage will transform the target back into its normal form. Only one target can be polymorphed at a time. Only works on beasts, dragons, giants, humanoids, and critters.

Second version:

  • Spell nature starfall.png Arcane Missiles — Launches a magical missile at an enemy, inflicting Arcane damage.
  • Ability mage deepfreeze.png Deep Freeze — Causes (42.9% of Spell power) Frost damage and stuns the target for 4 sec.
  • Spell frost frostbolt02.png Frostbolt Volley — Inflicts 418 Frost damage to nearby enemies, reducing their movement speed for 4 sec.


  • I will defend this portal with my life!
  • More portals will take this one's place!
  • The destruction of Dalaran is inevitable!
  • The way into Dalaran has been opened!
  • Why do you defend the Kirin Tor...
  • You shall not disrupt this portal!
  • Your pathetic defense ends here!
  • My death will not stop this invasion!
  • The portal has stabilized! Attack!

Patch changes

External links