Plagued Lands

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AlliancePlagued Lands
Start Tharnariun Treetender
End Tharnariun Treetender
Level 14 (Requires 10)
Category Darkshore
Experience 975 EXP (or 6s at level 70)
Rewards 6s
Next A [16] Cleansing of the Infected


Capture a living Rabid Thistle Bear and bring it back to Tharnariun.

Should you fail to capture a Rabid Thistle Bear and lose your trap, return to Tharnariun Treetender and request another trap.


A sickness spreads across the Darkshore, gripping the minds and bodies of all it touches.

The Thistle Bears have been hit the hardest by this plague. The once noble beasts are now an instrument of destruction - rabid and frenzied. I may have a cure for this ailment.

Take this trap to the forest and lay it on the ground. Any Rabid Thistle Bear that crosses the light shall become docile for a short time. Once the bear is docile, it shall follow you. Lead it back here, <name>.


You will receive:


Have you brought me the sick animal, <name>?

Should you fail to spring the trap, do not fret - Tharnariun's Hope is eternal. If you require another trap, abandon your task and report back to me.


Our work has only just begun, <name>. Are you prepared for your next task?


Speaking to Tharnariun
Greetings <Race>, I am Tharnariun Treetender.
Gossip Tharnariun, I have lost the trap. Could you please give me another?
On completion
Tharnariun Treetender says: Be cleansed!
A healing visual effect swirls around the bear. After a few seconds, it drops dead.


  1. A [14] Plagued Lands
  2. A [16] Cleansing of the Infected

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