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Pirates, Sea Monsters, Robots

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NeutralPirates, Sea Monsters, Robots
Start Dread Captain DeMeza
End Dread Captain DeMeza
Level 10-60
Type Daily
Category Mechagon Island
Experience 17,850
Reputation +150 Rustbolt Resistance
Rewards  [Spare Parts],  [Energy Cell],  [Empty Energy Cell]
23g 40s


Recover DeMeza's father's Sword, Clothing and Bones.


I finally found it! This is the resting place of my father, after his crew mutinied and left him here to die.

I've scouted the island, and found the locations of three chests that contain mementoes of my father.

Do this for me and my family. Recover my father's sword, clothing, and bones from the three chests I've marked.


You will receive:


Help my recover the remains of my father.


I can never thank you enough, so I won't.


On accept
First Mate Topping says: I didn't know you had a father, or a family.
Dread Captain DeMeza says: Hush or you I'll un-pirate you!

Patch changes

External links