Pest Management

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NeutralPest Management
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Type Rare World Quest
Category Suramar
Reputation +250 The Nightfallen
Rewards Varies
Previous N [45] Balance to Spare & N [45] Silkwing Sabotage



Valewalker Farodin says: Mana wyrms are critical in guarding the arcan'dor from pests. Capture more from the vineyard in Suramar City.


Valewalker Farodin says: Without balance, there is chaos. These will keep our ecosystem in balance.



  1. N [45] Moths to a Flame
  2. N [45] Make an Entrance
  3. N [45] The Fruit of Our Efforts
  4. N [45] How It's Made: Arcwine
  5. N [45] Intense Concentration
  6. N [45] The Old Fashioned Way
  7. N [45] Balance to Spare & N [45] Silkwing Sabotage
  8. N [45] Reversal
  9. N [45] Vengeance for Margaux
  10. N [45] Seek the Unsavory
  11. N [45] Hired Help
  12. N [45] If Words Don't Work...
  13. N [45] A Big Score & N [45] Asset Security
  14. N [45] Make Your Mark
  15. N [45] And They Will Tremble

Patch changes

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