Patchwerk Must Die!

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NeutralPatchwerk Must Die!
Start Archmage Lan'dalock
End Archmage Lan'dalock
Level 30 (Requires 30)
Type Weekly Raid
Category Naxxramas
Reputation +250 Kirin Tor
Rewards 29g 60s


Kill Patchwerk.

This quest can be completed with any difficulty or size raid.


The so-called "avatar of war", Patchwerk is the ultimate abomination. It is also taking a heavy toll upon on[sic] our forces in the Dragonblight.

I want you to assemble your companions and enter the Construct Quarter of Naxxramas. Disassemble the construct.

The Council of Six has decreed that Patchwerk must die!


You will receive:


My sources tell me that Patchwerk is still animate. Is there a problem, <class>?


Children everywhere will sleep easier knowing that Patchwerk is no more.

Patch changes

External links