Orphaned Emerald Whelp

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Main article: Halfus Wyrmbreaker
NeutralOrphaned Emerald Whelp
Image of Orphaned Emerald Whelp
Race Green whelp (Dragonkin)
Level 37 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Green dragonflight
Location Bastion of Twilight

Orphaned Emerald Whelps are green whelps that have been captured by Twilight's Hammer and are being held in the Bastion of Twilight.


  • Ability creature poison 02.png Atrophic Poison — Upon being released each Emerald Whelp poisons Halfus's Proto-Behemoth, reducing its damage dealt by 750. This effect stacks 8 times.
  • Inv misc head dragon red.png Dragon's Vengeance — The last of the Orphaned Emerald Whelps curses Halfus as it dies, causing Halfus to take 100% increased damage. This effect stacks.



We must avenge our mother!

Distract the monster who slew her, free us from this cage, and we will fight by your side.

Our ability to reduce the damage an enemy inflicts will help you survive the Proto-Behemoth's Scorching Breath.

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