Oreth the Vile

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MobOreth the Vile
Image of Oreth the Vile
Gender Male
Race Withered (Humanoid)
Level 45 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Ambervale, Suramar[24.6, 47.2]
Status Killable

Oreth the Vile is a withered located in Suramar. He stalks around a ruined house in Ambervale, occasionally leaping upon a nearby deceased withered and starts eating.


  • Ability bossfelorcs necromancer red.png Amplified — Causes the caster to inflict 40% increased Physical damage.
  • Ability socererking arcanefortification.png Arcane Charged — Infuses the caster with arcane energy, causing attacks to inflict bonus Arcane damage and additional Arcane damage over 5 sec.
  • Ability racial cannibalize.png Cannibalize — Heals the caster for 5% of maximum health every 2 sec for 10 sec.
  • Spell arcane blast.png Crackling Nether — Channels a storm of arcane energy over 9 sec, inflicting Arcane damage to enemies every second.
  • Ability bossfelorcs necromancer orange.png Enhanced — Causes the caster to inflict 25% increased Physical damage.
  • Ability bossfelorcs necromancer purple.png Imbued — Causes the caster to inflict 30% increased Physical damage.
  • Spell arcane blink.png Translocate — Scrambles the locations of enemy targets, inflicting Arcane damage and additionally creating a pool of arcane magic at their new location, inflicting Arcane damage every second.
  • Spell arcane blink.png Translocate Field — Scrambles the locations of enemy targets, inflicting Arcane damage and additionally creating a pool of arcane magic at their new location, inflicting Arcane damage every second.
  • Warlock curse shadow.png Vile Rake — Tears at the enemy, inflicting Physical damage.
  • Warlock curse shadow.png Vile Wound — Inflicts 100 Shadow damage to an enemy every 2 sec for 6 sec.


Objective of


  • Hunger.

Patch changes

External links