Olut Alegut

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HordeOlut Alegut
Image of Olut Alegut
Gender Male
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level 25-30
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Warsong Offensive
Location Grom'arsh Crash Site, Storm Peaks[37.0, 49.6]
Status Alive

Olut Alegut is an orc quest giver and alcohol vendor located near the Grom'arsh Crash Site in Storm Peaks. He is notable for selling  [Iron Boot Flask], which is required for  [But I'm On Your Side (10 player)] and  [But I'm On Your Side (25 player)].

His Alliance counterpart is Rork Sharpchin.


Vendor information

Inv drink 05.png [Snowfall Lager]
2 Relic of Ulduar
Inv drink 03.png [Drakefire Chile Ale]
2 Relic of Ulduar
Inv drink 08.png [Airy Pale Ale]
10 Relic of Ulduar
Inv drink 13.png [Worg Tooth Oatmeal Stout]
10 Relic of Ulduar
Inv drink 01.png [Iron Boot Flask]
10 Relic of Ulduar



The mountains are rich with history... don't forget to stop and take it all in, <class>.

Buy How may I help you?


  • Olut is a Finnish word for beer or ale.
  • Alegut refers to the "beer belly" one develops after imbibing alcohol over a long period of time.

Patch changes

External links