Page values for "Nokali the Scarred"

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"_pageData" values

1 row is stored for this page
FieldField typeValue
_creationDateDatetime2018-12-08 11:41:43 PM
_modificationDateDatetime2023-11-23 1:51:24 AM
_categoriesList of String, delimiter: |Couriers Dazar'alor NPCs NPC stubs NPCs with custom level Zandalari Empire Zandalari troll characters
_pageNamePageNokali the Scarred

Nokali the Scarred


"NPCs" values

1 row is stored for this page
FieldField typeValue
RacesList of String, delimiter: ,Zandalari troll
AffiliationsList of String, delimiter: ,[[Zandalari Empire (faction)|Zandalari Empire]]