Mucksnout Runt

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MobMucksnout Runt
Image of Mucksnout Runt
Race Kobold (Humanoid)
Level 10-45
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Mucksnout
Location Darkfeather Valley, Highmountain [47.6, 44]
Status Killable

The Mucksnout Runt is a lone kobold found on a cliff in Darkfeather Valley overlooking Pinerock Basin in Highmountain, next to a treasure chest most notably containing the  [Delicate Roc Feather]. Players can kick the runt off of the cliff, sending him falling to his death in the basin below. If a player attempts to loot the treasure chest without first dealing with the runt, the kobold will attack them.


They no take treasure. I watch. I wait. I see them coming.

When a player kicks the runt off of the cliff:


If a player attempts to loot the chest while the runt is still alive:

You no take treasure!

Patch changes

External links