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Mirelurk Clutchguard

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MobMirelurk Clutchguard
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Race Saurok (Humanoid)
Level 10-50 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Mirelurk
Location Island Expeditions
Status Killable

Mirelurk Clutchguards are saurok located on the expedition isles.


  • Spell warrior wildstrike.png Overhead Slash — The caster makes a powerful melee attack inflicting Physical damage.
  • Ability warrior shieldbash.png Shield Bash — Bashes an enemy with the caster's shield, inflicting 150% weapon damage and interrupting the spell being cast.
  • Ability warstomp.png Shield Charge — The caster charges, inflicting Physical damage to all enemies in a line in front of the caster, knocking them back.

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