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Image of Merianae
Gender Female
Race Saurolisk (Beast)
Level 20-60 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Dewscale Grotto, Tiragarde Sound[43.2, 16.8]
Status Killable

Merianae is a saurolisk located in the Dewscale Grotto in Tiragarde Sound.


  • Trade archaeology trolllizardfootcharm.png Talon Rush — Charges, inflicting Physical damage to all enemies caught in the path and stunning them for 2 sec.
  • Ability creature poison 03.png Vile Claws — Inflicts Nature damage to the current target and slows their movement speed by 35% for 10 sec.


Objective of


  • During the beta, her name was Dewscale Matron.

Patch changes

External links