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Measure Once, Cut Thrice

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NeutralMeasure Once, Cut Thrice
Start Ren'khat
End Ren'khat
Level 78-80
Category Azj-Kahet
Experience 11,600
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous N [78-80] The Upstart
Next N [78-80] Azj-Kahet's Next Top Dyemaster & N [78-80] I Expect You To Dye


Slay Webwarper Tath'rhiz, Seam Reaper Zhir'ix, and Colormancer Nirethi.


I was promised an important, glamorous, enviable position of power when I left the city for Rak-Ahat.

This warehouse job? Neither important nor enviable. And certainly not glamorous.

Grand Overspinner Antourix has been at this for far too long. She doesn't understand my vision. All she wants are drones that do exactly what she wants, how she wants it.

Take out her most loyal workers. We'll see how tough she is on her own once I take over the dyeworks.


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 11,600 XP


Ugh. It's impossible to work under these conditions.


With those sycophants out of the way, the Overspinner is nothing. I'll be running this place in no time.


Upon accept:

Ren'khat says: With the Overspinner's flunkies out of the way, I'll be able to move in my own elite staff.
Ren'khat says: I'll whistle for them at the dyeworks. Kill the competition, then meet me there.

Find and slay the targets. Seam Reaper Zhir'ix:

Seam Reaper Zhir'ix says: I only need to cut once!
Upon defeat:
Seam Reaper Zhir'ix says: Reap... what you sew...

Colormancer Nirethi:

Colormancer Nirethi says: Careful, your blood will stain!
Upon defeat:
Colormancer Nirethi says: Colors... fading...

Webwarper Tath'rhiz:

Webwarper Tath'rhiz says: I'll make wefts of your sinew!
Upon defeat:
Webwarper Tath'rhiz says: My work... unravelled...

Upon meeting with Grand Overspinner Antourix and Ren'kat after completing both quests:

Ren'khat says: Aha, my secret weapon! <Name> has already dismantled your institution, Overspinner!
Grand Overspinner Antourix says: You witless soft-shell, <name> has been working for me!

Upon completion of both quests:

Ren'khat says: You can't stop me! I'll augment the dyes and take over all of Rak-Ahat!
Grand Overspinner Antourix says: You idiot! I already augmented the dyes!
Ren'khat says: I'll augment you out of existence!


  1. N [70-80] Subterfuge in Silk (optional breadcrumb)
  2. N [78-80] The Upstart & N [78-80] The Entrenched
  3. N [78-80] Measure Once, Cut Thrice & N [78-80] Spring Collection
  4. N [78-80] Azj-Kahet's Next Top Dyemaster & N [78-80] I Expect You To Dye
  5. N [78-80] That's All

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