Makko's Complete Journal

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Makko's Complete Journal is a quest reward from N [10-70] The Fractured Flame.


Makko's Complete Journal

Sarkareth sent me here to find an ancient artifact. Along with two others, they will open the way to a great titan vault.

I will not fail him.

Success! With the help of my arcane abilities I've recovered the stone. Sarkareth will surely reward me.

He claimed that this stone is but a means to greater power. However... the energy it contains is prodigious. With it, I could claim my rightful place in the Sundered Flame.

If only I can learn to control it...

As I gaze into the stone, I find myself recalling knowledge without knowing its origin. Only fragments, maddening and incomplete.

Where does this insight come from? Is it the stone, or have I spent too long alone in this tower?

I brought a captured gorloc into the tower, stone held in front of me. The crude, pelagic thing knelt as if waiting for my word.

I commanded it to bring others.

The pressure in my skull is incessant and building.

My army grows, and brings treasures to honor my majesty. Sarkareth commanded us to strike from the darkness. He said that our power is greater when it is unseen.

But he does not know what the stone has shown me. It sees all.

Poor, pathetic Sarkareth. How silly to think I once craved his respect. I should be the one to lead the Sundered Flame, and reclaim our lost glory!


  • This item is a leftover from the quest. It can be deleted safely.

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