Log Entry 893-03-9

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  • Log Entry 893-03-9
  • Quest Item
  • "Observation: Fungarians now spreading beyond the initial study site. Aggressive mycelial intrusion observed in unexpected habitats. Urgent investigation needed to assess the broader ecological impact of this newfound behavior (...)"
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Log Entry 893-03-9 drops from the Mossbloom Hazewalker in a building in the Orecreg on the Isle of Dorn.


Log Entry 893-03-9

Log Entry 893-03-9:
Date: Repair Quarter Cycle

Observation: Fungarians now spreading beyond the initial study site. Aggressive mycelial intrusion observed in unexpected habitats. Urgent investigation needed to assess the broader ecological impact of this newfound behavior. Evacuation is recommended, and research activities are temporarily halted for the safety of all involved.

--Yeonin, Assistant Researcher

Objective of

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