Log Entry 467-21-5

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  • Log Entry 467-21-5
  • Quest Item
  • "Observation: Mycelium expansion noted at an alarming rate, infiltrating neighboring vegetation. Fungarians display a heightened response to environmental stimuli, showcasing a potential shift in their ecological behavior."
  • <Right Click to Read>

Log Entry 467-21-5 is looted from Discarded Research Notes in a building in the Orecreg on the Isle of Dorn.


Log Entry 467-21-5

Log Entry: 467-21-5
Date: Reclamation Quarter Cycle

Observation: Mycelium expansion noted at an alarming rate, infiltrating neighboring vegetation. Fungarians display a heightened response to environmental stimuli, showcasing a potential shift in their ecological behavior.

Objective of

Patch changes

External links