Exodar NPCs
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The following NPCs can be found in the city of the Exodar.
Quest givers
- Baatun <Paladin Trainer>
- [8-30] Ezul'aan Calls
- [20-30] Meet with Ezul'aan
- Behomat <Warrior Trainer>
- [8-30] A Summons from Signilda Hardforge
- [20-30] Meet with Signilda Hardforge
- Caedmos <Priest Trainer>
- [8-30] Patrice Lancaster Sends Word
- [8-30] Patrice Lancaster Sends Word
- [8-30] The Temple of the Moon
- [20-30] Meet with Patrice Lancaster
- Edirah <Mage Trainer>
- [8-30] Frazzle's Request
- [20-30] Meet with Frazzle Frostfingers
- Hero's Call Board
- [5-30] Hero's Call: Darkshore!
- [7-30] Hero's Call: Ashenvale!
- [10-30] Hero's Call: Stonetalon Mountains!
- [10-30] Hero's Call: Desolace!
- [10-30] Hero's Call: Southern Barrens!
- [15-30] Hero's Call: Dustwallow Marsh!
- [15-30] Hero's Call: Feralas!
- [15-30] Hero's Call: Thousand Needles!
- [15-30] Hero's Call: Felwood!
- [15-30] Hero's Call: Tanaris!
- [15-30] Hero's Call: Un'Goro Crater!
- [15-30] Hero's Call: Winterspring!
- [15-30] Hero's Call: Silithus!
- [10-30] Hero's Call: Outland!
- [10-30] Hero's Call: Borean Tundra!
- [30-35] Hero's Call: Mount Hyjal!
- [30-35] Hero's Call: Vashj'ir!
- [30-35] Hero's Call: Deepholm!
- [30-35] Hero's Call: Twilight Highlands!
- [30-35] Hero's Call: Uldum!
- [35] The Troll Incursion
- [32-35] Guardians of Hyjal: Call of the Ancients
- [32-35] Guardians of Hyjal: Firelands Invasion!
- Hobahken <Shaman Trainer>
- [8-30] An Audience with Mulric
- [20-30] Meet with Mulric Boldrock
- Junior Inspector (Love is in the Air)
- [1-70] Uncommon Scents (Love is in the Air)
- Kwee Q. Peddlefeet <Crown Chemical Co.> (Love is in the Air)
- [1-70 Daily] A Gift for the Prophet (Love is in the Air Daily)
- Lunar Festival Emissary (Lunar Festival)
- [1-80] The Lunar Festival (Lunar Festival)
- Lunar Festival Harbinger (Lunar Festival)
- [1-80] Lunar Fireworks (Lunar Festival)
- [1-80] Valadar Starsong (Lunar Festival)
- Nurguni <Tradesman>
- [1-30] Hippogryph Master Stephanos
- O'ros
- [10-80] Call on the Farseer (Children's Week)
- Public Relations Agent <Crown Chemical Co.> (Love is in the Air)
- [1-70 Daily] A Cloudlet of Classy Cologne (Love is in the Air Daily)
- [1-70 Daily] Bonbon Blitz (Love is in the Air Daily)
- Stephanos <Hippogryph Master>
- [1-30] Return to Caregiver Chellan
- Torallius the Pack Handler <Elekk Breeder>
- [1-30] Elekks Are Serious Business
- Vord <Hunter Trainer>
- [8-30] Dalgrun Calls
- [20-30] Meet with Dalgrun Steelpine
Class trainers
- Baatun <Paladin Trainer>
- Behomat <Warrior Trainer>
- Caedmos <Priest Trainer>
- Edirah <Mage Trainer>
- Farseer Nobundo <Shaman Trainer>
- Vord <Hunter Trainer>
- Star Captain Barabos <Rogue Trainer>
- Soulspeaker Niir <Warlock Trainer>
- Atharuun <Demon Trainer>
Profession trainers
- Akham <Leatherworking Trainer>
- Cemmorhan <Herbalism Trainer>
- Diya <Archaeology Trainer>
- Erett <Fishing Trainer>
- Farii <Jewelcrafting Trainer>
- Lucc <Alchemy Trainer>
- Miall <Blacksmithing Trainer>
- Mumman <Cooking Trainer>
- Muaat <Mining Trainer>
- Nahogg <Enchanting Trainer>
- Nus <First Aid Trainer>
- Ockil <Engineering Trainer>
- Remere <Skinning Trainer>
- Refik <Tailoring Trainer>
- Thoth <Inscription Trainer>
- Altaa <Alchemy Supplier>
- Arras <Blacksmithing Supplier>
- Arred <Jewelcrafting Supplier>
- Avelii <Bowyer>
- Bildine <Reagent Vendor>
- Caregiver Breel <Innkeeper>
- Cuzi <Bag Vendor>
- Dekin <Fishing Supplier>
- Egomis <Enchanting Supplier>
- Ellomin <Blunt Weapon Merchant>
- Feera <Engineering Supplier>
- Fingin <Poison Supplier>
- Gornii <Cloth Armor Merchant>
- Gotaan <Plate Armor Merchant>
- Haferet <Leatherworking Supplier>
- Issca <Tabard Vendor>
- Kadu <Exodar Quartermaster>
- Lovely Merchant <Crown Chemical Co.> (Love is in the Air)
- Lunar Festival Vendor (Lunar Festival)
- Mahri <Leather Armor Merchant>
- Merran <Mining Supplies>
- Muhaa <Gunsmith>
- Musal <Arcane Goods Vendor>
- Neii <Tailoring Supplier>
- Nurguni <Tradesman>
- Nuri <Guild Vendor>
- Onnis <General Goods Vendor>
- Oss <Wand Vendor>
- Phea <Cooking Supplier>
- Sessoh <Inscription Supplies>
- Sixx <Moth Keeper>
- Torallius the Pack Handler <Elekk Breeder>
- Treall <Shield Merchant>
- Ven <Blade Vendor>
- Yil <Mail Armor Merchant>
Various services
- Aalun <Riding Trainer>
- Arthaid <Stable Master>
- Auctioneer Eoch <Auctioneer>
- Auctioneer Fanin <Auctioneer>
- Auctioneer Iressa <Auctioneer>
- Buhurda <Strand of the Ancients Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: Strand of the Ancients)
- Caregiver Breel <Innkeeper>
- Erutor <Isle of Conquest Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: Isle of Conquest)
- Exodar Peacekeeper (Directions)
- Eye of the Storm Emissary - (Call to Arms: Eye of the Storm)
- Funaam <Guild Master>
- Gilnean Emissary - (Call to Arms: The Battle for Gilneas)
- Hunara <Battlemaster>
- Jaela <Banker>
- Jihi <Warsong Gulch Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: Warsong Gulch)
- Lesun <The Battle for Gilneas Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: The Battle for Gilneas)
- Liedel the Just <Battlemaster>
- Karabrel Moonlance <Arcane Reforging>
- Kellag <Banker>
- Isle of Conquest Emissary - (Call to Arms: Isle of Conquest)
- League of Arathor Emissary - (Call to Arms: Arathi Basin)
- Mahul <Alterac Valley Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: Alterac Valley)
- Mitia <Eye of the Storm Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: Eye of the Storm)
- Ossco <Banker>
- Seer Skaltesh (See Invisible)
- Shield of Velen (Directions)
- Stephanos <Hippogryph Master>
- Stormpike Emissary - (Call to Arms: Alterac Valley)
- Silverwing Emissary - (Call to Arms: Warsong Gulch)
- Strand of the Ancients Emissary - (Call to Arms: Strand of the Ancients)
- Tarna Brightfeather <Twin Peaks Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: Twin Peaks)
- Tolo <Arathi Basin Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: Arathi Basin)
- Wildhammer Emissary - (Call to Arms: Twin Peaks)
Other notable NPCs
- Audrid
- Chakaa
- Curzon
- Deriz <Apprentice Alchemist>
- Drysc
- Duumehi
- Edrem <Apprentice Blacksmith>
- Emony
- Ereuso
- Feruul <Apprentice Leatherworker>
- Foreman Dunaer
- Ghermas <Apprentice Engineer>
- Herald Bran'daan
- Kayaart <Apprentice Tailor>
- Kudrii <Apprentice Enchanter>
- Padaar <Apprentice Jewelcrafter>
- Prophet Velen
- Sayari
- Tobin
- Torias
- Valon