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Image of Kyrioss
Race Stormrook (Elemental)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Rookery
Status Killable
Companion(s) Stormguard Gorren

Kyrioss is a boss in the Rookery.

Adventure Guide

Stormguard Gorren's stormrook, though corrupted by void magic, still loyally fights by his side. And, if anything gets in his way, Kyrioss will dutifully tear them apart.


Kyrioss periodically infuses a player with an Unstable Charge. Upon reaching 100 energy, Kyrioss flies to the center of the chamber to unleash a Lightning Torrent before surging back into battle.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers

  • Kyrioss rotates faster the longer it channels Lightning Torrent.

Healer Alert Healers

  • Kyrioss rotates faster the longer it channels Lightning Torrent.
  • Players stunned by Lightning Torrent can be dispelled.

Tank Alert Tanks

  • Kyrioss rotates faster the longer it channels Lightning Torrent.


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  • Spell nature unrelentingstorm.png Unstable Charge Important Mythic Difficulty — Kyrioss suffuses a random player with electricity. Upon removal, the target unleashes an eruption of electrical energy, inflicting 92535-247020 Nature damage to all players. The eruption can be discharged safely in the central tempest.
  • Ability vehicle electrocharge.png Lightning Torrent Deadly — Upon reaching 100 energy, Kyrioss flies to the center of the room and unleashes 4 torrents of lightning. Touching these torrents inflicts 2467611-6587194 Nature damage and stuns the target for 6 Sec.
  • Inv cosmicvoid groundsate.png Lightning Dash — Kyiross leaps to a location and unleashes a charged blast, inflicting 925354-2470198 Nature damage to players within 12 yards, knocking them away.
  • Spell nature chainlightning.png Chain Lightning — Kyrioss launches lightning that arcs to up to 3 players, inflicting 771129-2058498 Nature damage.
  • Spell shaman staticshock.png Stormheart — Kyrioss creates a raging storm that periodically unleashes a crash of lightning that strikes a player’s location inflicting 1079580-2881898 Nature damage to players within 6 yards of the impact.

Patch changes

External links