Kotori Lightningstride

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NeutralKotori Lightningstride
Image of Kotori Lightningstride
Gender Male
Race Tauren (Humanoid)
Level 70
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Former affiliation(s) Primalists, Horde
Location Viridescent Thicket, Amirdrassil
Status Alive

Kotori Lightningstride is a tauren located in the Viridescent Thicket in Amirdrassil.

Objective of



I'm just trying to repair the damage my actions have caused. What do you want?

Gossip <Tell me what you know about Koroleth.>

I don't know much about her. I steered clear of Koroleth as much as possible. She hated the Horde and was exceptionally hard on any Horde races within the Primalist ranks.

I heard she joined the Primalists after the Alliance signed the armistice. She had sworn vengeance on the Horde for Teldrassil, and if the Alliance would not destroy the Horde, then she would find someone else who would.

No matter the cost.

Patch changes

External links