Kol Bruncrag

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MobKol Bruncrag
Image of Kol Bruncrag
Title <Foreman of Taelloch>
Gender Female
Race Earthen (Humanoid)
Level 73-75
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Machine Speakers
Location Ringing Deeps
Status Killable

Kol Bruncrag was an earthen foreman who led the town of Taelloch and its mine. Shortly preceding the arrival of Dalaran at Khaz Algar, Bruncrag's mind was warped during an encounter with High Speaker Eirich, an experience she described as being "altered." Through a series of messages left for those she led, Bruncrag exposited that she had been chosen by the High Speaker, and that the townspeople should also prepare for an incursion by the skardyn. In her final message, she spoke angrily of "ringing" that filled her mind, and attempted to warn Taelloch of the High Speaker's true intent.[citation needed] 

By the time that Dagran Thaurissan II and his grandfather Magni arrived at Taelloch, accompanied by an adventurer, Bruncrag's body had been fully warped from that of an Earthen to a jagged, shadow-infested elemental form. The three outlanders eventually slew Bruncrag and accessed her memory gem, discovering that she had witnessed the High Speaker's treachery and become infected. In an attempt to protect the town from her own madness, Bruncrag sealed herself in an isolated cave. Despite this, the shadow seeped from her and turned the miners and villagers into skardyn. Bruncrag and Taelloch at large were avenged shortly thereafter, when the adventurer and their allies slew Eirich and dismantled his conspiracy.[citation needed] 


  • Spell priest voidsear.png Infected Expulsion — Kol Bruncrag expels potent fragments of void energy at players inflicting X Shadow damage. Additonally players become afflicted with a void infection that inflicts X Shadow damage every 5.2 sec and slows the player by 50% for 12 sec.

Objective of


  • ... infection...
  • ... remorse...

Patch changes

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