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Image of Ketlingr
Title <The Great Cat>
Gender Female
Race Nightsaber (Beast)
Level 45
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Fields of the Eternal Hunt, Halls of Valor
Status Killable

Ketlingr is a nightsaber ghost located at the Fields of the Eternal Hunt in Halls of Valor during the quest N Hunter [45] Night of the Wilds.


  • Ability druid supriseattack.png Pounce — Leaps to a location, inflicting Physical damage and stunning targets within 5 yards for 2 sec.
  • Inv archaeology 70 spiritofechero.png Wild Spirit — Increases Haste by 10%.
  • Ability druid swipe.png Wild Swipe — Swipe enemies in front of the caster, dealing Physical damage and causing them to bleed for 20 sec.


Odyn about Ketlingr
Main article: Night of the Wilds#Stage 1: The Hunt Begins

Patch changes

External links