Kaya's Alive

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HordeKaya's Alive
Start Makaba Flathoof
End Tammra Windfield
Level 18 (Requires 12)
Category Stonetalon Mountains
Experience 1000 EXP (or 6s at level 70)
Rewards 7s
Previous H [18] Protect Kaya


Tell Tammra Windfield in Sun Rock Retreat the good news.


Tell Tammra Windfield, Kaya's aunt who's at Sun Rock Retreat, about the good news! Kaya is alive! We had thought she was lost after the brutal attack on our village. Follow the path to the west to get to Sun Rock Retreat.


You will receive:7s


My goodness, my niece Kaya is alive! That is good news indeed. Thank you, <name>.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:


  1. H [18] Protect Kaya
  2. H [18] Kaya's Alive

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