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Karazhan Crypts

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This article is about the Season of Discovery dungeon. For the location in general, see Forgotten Crypt.
Karazhan Crypts
Karazhan Crypts loading screen.png
Location Deadwind Pass
Instance info
Type Dungeon
Level 60
Player limit 5
Lockout timer 1 day

Karazhan Crypts is a level 60 dungeon unique to the Season of Discovery.[1]

Much like Demon Fall Canyon was built out of the area of the same name, this is an expansion of what would later be known as the Forgotten Crypt.







  • The light mechanic functions similarly to the Vault of the Betrayer section of the Vault of the Wardens dungeon, where a player holding Elune's Light is needed to see and attack enemies. An additional twist here is that players within the darkness take damage over time.
  • Kharan, the final boss of the instance, was likely named after Charon, who ferries the dead to the underworld in Greek mythology.

Patch changes


External links