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Kao-Tien Stormbinder

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MobKao-Tien Stormbinder
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Gender Male
Race Mogu (Humanoid)
Level 10-60
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Kao-Tien
Location Zuldazar
Status Killable

Kao-Tien Stormbinders are mogu located in Zuldazar.


  • Charged Bolt - The caster creates a bolt of lightning that strikes the target, inflicting Nature damage.
  • Curse of Stone - Hardens the targets flesh, reducing movement speed and haste by 50%.


Objective of


  • A thousand battles... a thousand victories...
  • Bow before me!
  • Even stone... breaks...
  • Feel the fury of the storm!
  • Flesh is... weak...
  • I am power manifest!
  • I will crush your skull in my hands!
  • My life... for the emperor...
  • Ours is the will... of the gods...
  • The empire... will never... fall...
  • The storm... fades...
  • The thunder... can never... be silenced...
  • The Zandalari will honor their pact... or die!
  • We will reforge our empire with your bones!
  • You will make a fine slave!
  • You will serve!

Patch changes

External links