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For the orc, see Jorin Deadeye.
Image of Jorin
Title <Sorvad's Assistant>
Gender Male
Race Maldraxxi necromancer (Humanoid)
Level 60
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) House of Rituals
Location House of Rituals, Maldraxxus[64.8, 35.89]
Status Alive

Jorin is a necromancer who is Sorvad's assistant, found in the House of Rituals in Maldraxxus. He is the one who receives petitions of bannerless necrolords into the House of Rituals, and interviews candidates.


  • Spell necro necroticcore.png Bulwark of Maldraxxus — An impenetrable bulwark of necrotic energy is channeled through the caster's shield, reducing damage taken by nearby allies by 90%.
  • Spell necro deathsdoor.png Decaying Touch — Inflicts Shadow damage to an enemy every 3 sec for 15 sec.
  • Spell necro voodooblast.png Spectral Bolt — Inflicts 6 Shadow damage to an enemy.

Objective of


  • This is the line for application to begin testing. If you have no magical ability, you're wasting everyone's time.
Jorin says: Are you willing to pledge your afterlife to Margrave Sin'dane and to service of the House of Rituals?
Bannerless Petitioner says: Yes.
Jorin says: This isn't a hypothetical question. Don't take it lightly.
Jorin says: Which house were you originally affiliated with before now
Bannerless Petitioner says: House of Plagues. I was out on assignment when the accident happened.
Jorin says: Are you able to or were you previously able to cast spells? If so, what kind?
Bannerless Petitioner says: I am a mage. I can channel anima.
Jorin says: Good. It will speed up your training considerably if you are already skilled.
Jorin says: Do you have other skills or abilities we should know about?
Bannerless Petitioner says: I am skilled at alchemy, including gathering, preparing, and storing reagents.
  • I will enjoy destroying you.
  • Perhaps your corpse will prove useful.
  • Another... soldier... falls...
  • Do not... forget me...
  • Don't... chop me... up...
  • My... ascension...
  • Still... more... to learn...
  • The Primus... has... left us...
  • The... cycle... takes me...

Patch changes

External links