Jeremiah Pall

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HordeJeremiah Pall
No image available
Gender Male
Race Forsaken
Affiliation(s) Forsaken
Former affiliation(s) Alliance of Lordaeron
Former occupation(s) Footman
Status Active
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Jeremiah Pall is a Forsaken. In life, he was a human who had been drafted to serve as a foot soldier in Captain Whitney's division. Whitney was a cruel man who punished his men harshly for the slightest fault and forced them to sing his praise. Jeremiah once spent days locked in a dark box, no larger than a coffin, as punishment for insubordination.

One night, a drunk Whitney stumbled onto a catapult and accidentally launched himself into an orcish camp, starting a fire in the process. The orcs, believing they were being attacked, retaliated against Jeremiah's division. Many people on both sides died in the battle but the humans eventually won and found their captain hiding in the orcs' camp, unscathed. After the incident, Jeremiah and the other soldiers were forced to promote Whitney's version of things, claiming that it was actually a bold maneuver made to attack the orcs by surprise and that the brave Whitney slayed many warriors single-handedly.

Jeremiah's family depended on his wage as a soldier, so he went along with the captain's lies, although begrudgingly. One day, Jeremiah's friend Roland Meadows grew tired of all the lies and threatened to expose Whitney. In response, Whitney slit Roland's throat. Jeremiah and the other soldiers would later be sent to their deaths on their captain's orders while he himself survived for many years, only dying of old age much later. Jeremiah never saw his family again.

During the Third War, Jeremiah's corpse was raised into undeath by the Lich King to serve once again as a foot soldier for the Scourge. He would eventually break free from the Lich King's control and be welcomed among the Forsaken. His mind was very foggy at first but he would gradually regain his memory of who he was. In a group session made to help new Forsaken settle in better, Jeremiah met Abel Meadows, the son of his late friend Roland. Abel had been inspired by the tales of captain Whitney's heroism and enlisted in the army, where he died. Both learned that Whitney had in fact become a Forsaken as well, so they went to meet him at a pub where he spent his days "drinking" and boasting about his supposed heroism to Jeremiah's increasing frustration and Abel's admiration.

Whitney recognized Jeremiah and silently threatened him to keep quiet. Seeing other former comrades around Whitney, Jeremiah finally decided to tell the truth to Abel. The latter didn't want to believe him at first until Jeremiah mentioned a story about a toy boat that Roland had told him in life. Together with other soldiers, Jeremiah and Abel decided to teach Whitney a lesson. Jeremiah found a catapult in the Ruins of Lordaeron and convinced Whitney to come celebrate the anniversary of the battle against the orcs by reenacting the event. As the captain climbed up the catapult he was tied up and given a chance to tell the truth. Whitney doubled down on his lies instead and Abel sent him flying away. Confident that this time he would not survive the fall, Jeremiah told Abel that his father would be proud of him.[1]
