Jaquilina Dramet

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NeutralJaquilina Dramet
Image of Jaquilina Dramet
Title <Superior Axecrafter>
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Nesingwary's Expedition, Northern Stranglethorn[35.7, 10.7]

Jaquilina Dramet is a human axe vendor located at Nesingwary's Expedition in Northern Stranglethorn.


Pointer repair on 32x32.png This vendor offers a repair service.

Inv weapon halberd 06.png [Bullova]
2g 82s 86c
Inv throwingaxe 01.png [Crescent Axe]
2g 25s 48c
Inv axe 01.png [Francisca]
5g 22s 20c
Inv throwingaxe 06.png [Great Axe]
5g 61s 71c
Inv axe 17.png (1)x [Midnight Axe]
4g 3s 41c
Inv scroll 03.png (1)x [Plans: Massive Iron Axe]

External links

es:Jaquilina Dramet