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Janky Candles

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NeutralJanky Candles
Start Janky
End Janky
Level 73-75
Category The Ringing Deeps
Experience 10,850
Rewards 180x [Resonance Crystals]
500x The Assembly of the Deeps
23g 40s
Previous N [73-75] Hot Pollenate-o & N [73-75] Beebiter


Acquire the parts Janky needs to build his stall in Gundargaz.


With new candle almost ready, now all need is to set up stall! Bring quality candle at good price to people! That Janky guarantee.

Only problem is not have stall. You talk to Bosh in Gun-dar-ghaz for me? He have everything we need.

May need barter, but you talk good! Make him give parts.

Meet you down there!


You will receive:


Got parts?


Good talking, <name>. Make great merchant one day.

Like Janky!


Upon accept:

Janky says: See back home!

Return to Gundargaz and talk to Bosh:


What can I do for you?

Gossip Do you have the parts required for a merchant stall?

Is this for that kobold who was around earlier?

I'd be happy to help, topsider, but with shipments delayed across the board I can't let it go for nothing.

Tell you what, do me a favor, and the parts are yours.

Talk to Brax, the innkeeper, and take care of my tab for me. He's been muttering about breaking my knees for months now, and I'm afraid he'll do something crazy... like cut me off!

Go talk to Innkeeper Brax:

Innkeeper Brax

Welcome to Gundargaz!

... is something I've never had to say before.

We're not much for visitors, but as I assume you're here to work then our workers' hospitality is yours to enjoy!

When's your first shift?

Gossip I'd like to speak with you about Bosh's tab.

So he roped you into this, did he?

Fine. You tell him I want payment, in full, by the end of next shift or he's cut off!

He's lucky I'm not charging interest.

Gossip Is there anything I could do for you instead? A quest, perhaps?

A quest? Do I look like one of those starry eyed Stormrider recruits?

I may have something you can do for me, though, now that you mention it.

That never-ending construction racket has been keeping my customers away, and I have precious few of those as it is these days.

If you can find a way to speed that along, I'll call it even for Bosh's tab.

Go talk to Foreman Shalea:

Foreman Shalea

Can't you see I'm busy, outlander?

Gundargaz isn't going to fix herself.

Gossip Is there anything I could do to speed up the repairs?

Speed it up? Do you think I like being behind on my repairs?

We're working as fast as we can, but we're wearing out tools and aren't getting any replacements. We'll be digging out rubble with a spoon at this rate!

I appreciate Brax's situation, and his cinderbrew, but without proper tools, we'll be at this until we all calcify.

Bring me the replacements I ordered from Valyka and we'll be through this lot faster than Bosh through a fresh pint, I promise you.

Go talk to Machinist Valyka:

Machinist Valyka

Don't just stand there. We've got work to do! Strike while the iron is hot.

Gossip I'm here to check on Foreman Shalea's order.

Do you have any idea how many orders I have outstanding?

I'm doing what I can, but without ore to smelt or coal to burn there's nothing I can do and half the mines are shut!

I'm overdue for a shipment of coal. Bring it to me and I'll see about getting to Shalea's order sometime this century.

Foreman Svart should have it down by the tracks.

Go talk to Foreman Svart:

Foreman Svart

Stay off the tracks, topsider. I have enough to do without having to clean you off them.

Gossip Do you have Machinist Valyka's order of coal?

I got her order.

Problem is, some shale-brain sent us a load of elementally active coal! Anytime I get near the stuff it tries to fight back and no one seems interested in a scrap with two tons of angry fuel.

You want it, you can have it!

Go collect  [Elementally Active Coal] from the piles of coal laying around the area. When collecting the coal, Coal Ragers will appear. Once done collecting return to Machinist Valyka:

Machinist Valyka

Gossip I brought the coal. It's extra feisty.

Feisty, is it? That should keep the forge nice and hot!

Here, take these. This should get Shalea and her crew moving.

Machinist Valyka hands over  [Freshly Smithed Tools]. Return to Foreman Shalea:

Foreman Shalea

Gossip I’ve got a fresh order of tools. Still hot from the forge.

I guess I won’t be needing this spoon, then, thanks to you!

Tell Brax we’ll be out of his wire in no time. And make sure he keeps some cinderbrew hot for us!

Return to Innkeeper Brax:

Innkeeper Brax

Gossip Shalea and her crew will be wrapping up as soon as possible.

Cog bless, topsider. My head's ringing like an overworked anvil from the constant noise.

Right, fair's fair. Tell Bosh I won't cut him off. For now, anyway.

Innkeeper Brax hands over a  [Begrudgingly Poured Cinderbrew]. Return to Bosh:


Gossip Brax says he won't cut you off. For now, anyway.

Watchers above! Time for a celebratory mug of cinderbrew, if I do say so myself.

Here, take the parts. No charge. You've done me and my parched throat a great service today.

Bosh hands over Mechant Stall Parts, return to Janky.

Upon completion:

Janky says: Janky's Candles open for business!


  1. N [73-75] Home Is Where the Candle Is
    1. N [73-75] Kobold Kleanup
    2. N [73-75] On the Job Training
    3. N [73-75] Pipe Patching & N [73-75] Plumber Power
    4. N [73-75] Critical Pressure!
    1. N [73-75] Dripsy Forgot Her Candle
    2. N [73-75] Chomps and the Cave-In
    3. N [73-75] The Day the Stoneheads Came
    4. N [73-75] Mipsy Mole-Rider
    5. N [73-75] The Wickless Candle
    1. N [73-75] New Home, New Candle!
    2. N [73-75] Hot Wax & N [73-75] Mite Not Right
    3. N [73-75] Hot Pollenate-o & N [73-75] Beebiter
    4. N [73-75] Janky Candles

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