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Image of Janks
Gender Male
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 25-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) K3
Location Sparksocket Minefield, Storm Peaks

Janks is Jeer Sparksocket's assistant. He is currently trapped in the Sparksocket Minefield in the Storm Peaks (Jeer having forgotten to tell him the escape route, after they completed it).


Janks has a humorous monologue when the player comes to retrieve the tools for the quest N [25-30] Just Around the Corner:

Is it true?! Has someone finally come to get me out of this place?
No... no... that's not it, is it? The heartless lout probably sent you after the tools, didn't he?
Well... I guess I'll just keep an eye on the turrets... or something.
Janks sighs.

Patch changes

External links